Orthodontics Instructions

Congratulations on getting your braces! Remember that taking care of your teeth and appliances are very important for the success of treatment and the health of your teeth.

Brushing with Braces

Food can get caught in hard to reach places between the braces and wires, which can lead to plaque build-up, inflammation of the gums and/or cavities. To prevent this from happening, make sure to brush after every meal and floss before going to bed. We will instruct you on how to properly brush and floss your teeth with braces. It is very important that you see your dentist at least every 6 months for a check-up and cleaning.

Foods to avoid

What you eat is important not only to prevent caries during treatment but also to avoid breaking brackets or damaging your appliances. We recommend that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (make sure to cut them into smaller pieces or slices) and avoid any sticky, chewy or hard foods (popcorn, nuts, pizza crust, hard cookies or candies, etc.)


You might experience general soreness of your teeth after getting your braces; this is normal and can last for the first 2-4 days. If needed, take whatever you normally take for headache or similar pain. Other areas of your mouth like your lips, cheeks, or tongue may also become irritated with the new braces. If that happens, place some orthodontic wax on the braces in the irritated areas to minimize the discomfort.

Loosening of the Teeth: You can expect this to happen throughout treatment. Teeth must first loosen a little so that they can be move. Don’t worry! They will firm up in their new position after treatment.

Broken bracket, wire, or appliance

Occasionally, a wire, bracket, or band may come loose. If that happens, please contact our office so that we can repair it. In the meantime, if it’s irritating your mouth, place some wax in the area or gently try to move the wire back into place. Please bring any loose or broken pieces to the office with you if possible.

Athletics & Braces

Be sure to let us know if you play any sports. We will provide you with special precautions and mouth guard recommendations.